
Baseline Environmental Monitoring
The baseline environmental monitoring program collects important quality baseline data to set the environmental and biological context in which scientists can interpret their own research. The program, established in September 2006, is designed to collect quality and useful data that will be made readily available to the research community.

Currently baseline environmental and biological data are being collected on:remoteaccess

  1. Weather: expanding and continuing a 30 year dataset
  2. Birds: phenology, abundance and status
  3. Plants: phenology and herbarium
  4. Snow: (a) cover and depletion with time lapse photography, (b) depth and density measurements
  5. Ice: thickness measurements
  6. Timing of other environmental events: daily naturalist journal


Management of General Use Equipment
As TFS continues to be a leader in arctic observatories improvements to management and expansion of availability of common-use laboratory and field equipment is needed. Each year more projects base research out of the field station and require equipment that is available and ready to use. The EDC now maintains a suite of general-use laboratory equipment including a muffle furnace, freeze dyer and microscopes. An incubation facility, which now includes both wet and dry incubation options, is available for use. For a complete list of equipment please see our equipment page.

Field Work Assistance & Remote Access
TFS offers year-round support through field assistance and remote access to projects based out of TFS.  Requests for field assistance and remote access need to be made in advanced using the Support Request System - .

  • Field Work Assistance: Assistance to researchers at the field station.
  • Remote Access: Assistance to researchers in lieu of their presence at the field station.

Remote access can be used to extend seasonal sampling into the shoulder seasons, brief weekly sampling over a field season, short intensive campaign, data downloads and so much more.  Please contact Amanda Young ( for more information about our support services. 


Examples of field work assistance and remote access include:

  • Water
    • snow and ice measurements
    • water sampling and filtering
    • Sonde deployment
  • Vegetation
    • phenology observations
    • NDVI measurements
    • point-frame measurements
    • species diversity assessment
  • Soils
    • Soil sampling
    • Soil classification
  •  Animals
    • Trapping with approval
    • Insect collection
    • Nest monitoring
    • Fishing
  • Autonomous Equipment
    • camera trap installation and downloads
    • met station installation, preventative maintenance, and downloads
  • Set up and take down of infrastructure
    • Greenhouses
    • Sensors - met stations
    • Camera Traps
    • OTC's
  • Remote power troubleshooting
    • Wind turbines
    • Solar Panel 
    • Battery Swaps
  • What ever you can envision, we will see if we can help!