Emergency Action Plans (EAP)

For the official Chancellor's Policy on EAPs read Policy 02.09.002.

Step 1

Have you created a plan here before?

  • If yes, proceed to the building's EAP to edit or download current plan (requires OU Campus Training)
  • If no, go to step 2 below.

Step 2

Gather your information needed to complete your emergency action plan ahead of time.

  • Description of building such as number of floors and what the building is mainly used for etc.
  • Departments in the building
  • Roll taker(s)
  • Emergency assembly areas for inside and outside the building
  • Any critical operations in building where an employee will remain during an emergency
  • Any employee who is assigned medical or rescue duties
  • Is there an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) in the building
  • Is there an Alertus Beacon in the building
  • Is there a special alarm in the building

With information in hand proceed using your to create a new EAP in the /oem/eap/building/ directory. Follow the instructions on how to create a new EAP (will open in a new window).