Soil Testing

Extension does not offer soil testing services. However, we have publications that can help you take a soil sample and choose a soil testing lab. Our agents can go over your soil test results and help you determine what kind of changes need to be made to get the most out of your soil. 

Understanding what nutrients are available in your soil for your plants is needed in order to supply your garden with the building blocks to promote healthy and vigorous growth.  Taking a soil sample and analyzing a soil test is the only way to know what nutrients are in your soil and how much fertilizer to apply to your garden. Review the documents below for more information on taking a soil sample, testing, and interpreting your results.

hands holding soil

What to do to get a soil sample tested:

Soil Sampling and Testing Instructions PDF

Factors to Consider in Selecting a Soil Testing Laboratory

How to interpret your soil sample:

Submit a request for a soil test interpretation: , , .

Use the online Farm and Garden Calculator

Use the online Peony Calculator

Use the online Tree and Shrub Calculator

Taking and submitting a soil sample for analysis

Soil Management

Soil quality is dependent upon many factors, and we can help you in determining the level of quality you are dealing with.